General Introduction
Payment Gateway overview
“Denumtech Payment Gateway” (here and hereafter System, Payment Gateway or Denumtech) is a PCI DSS certified platform, which provides accepting, processing, storage and transmitting of payment data between participants of payment processes.
Main participants:
Payers or Receivers |
end customers of merchants. |
Connecting Party |
merchants themselves, PSP/Payment institutions which represent merchants, or third-party systems for data exchange (CRM, BI, monitoring). |
Processors |
integrated external payment institutions and payment providers. |
- Payment Gateway provides the following methods of accepting payment data:
API available on the Internet
Virtual terminal for manual entry of payment data, received by e-mail and phone
Payment Gateway provides access to user accounts. It has the following user roles. Each root entity, can have its own Employees who can get access to the data from the root entity, but with certain restrictions:
Merchant |
provided to the merchant’s representatives (Connecting Party). |
Reseller |
provided to the agent, which engage merchants for Payment Gateway. |
Manager |
provided to the representatives of Payment Gateway. |
See all terms definitions in Glossary.
Connecting Party integration scenario
Depending on the PCI compliance and business requirements, Connecting party integrates to Payment Gateway via Server-to-Server APIs, Hosted payment form APIs or a combination of them. Each integration option is provided in API Use-Cases section, and each API Use-Case provides clear instructions which API commands to call on each stage of the payment flow and how to handle their results. All APIs are asynchronous. Common utilities section provides added value services which might be enabled by request. FAQ page helps to resolve common issues during Connecting Party integration.
Denumtech support manager configures Projects with connected Endpoints and Endpoint Groups (if needed) for one or multiple merchant accounts of Connecting Party in Payment Gateway. For API integration, Connecting party receives the following data from Denumtech. This data can be provided independently for sandbox (test) and production environment. Any additional required credentials are mentioned in relevant API Use-Cases.
- Main required credentials are:
Endpoint IDs per currency or Endpoint Group IDs for multicurrency integration (see reference schema below).
Merchant login.
Merchant control key.
Integration scenario documentation.
Connecting Party integration example
Sale Form - integrate hosted payment form processing of E-commerce sale transactions.
Return transactions - integrate processing of refunds.
Connecting Party callbacks - receive transaction data to CRM, BI and other systems.
Forms customization - brand hosted payment forms and provide them to Denumtech support manager for installation.
Test the solution on sandbox with Denumtech test scenarios.
Inform Denumtech support manager about successful finish of testing and request production credentials to start processing payments.